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Top 5 Reasons People Use a Personal Injury Attorney

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Home Blog Personal Injury Top 5 Reasons People Use a Personal Injury Attorney

Top Five Most Common Reasons People Use A Personal Injury Attorney:

Reason 1:

The other person’s insurance company attempts to minimize their losses.

Reason 2:

Their insurance company attempts to avoid its responsibility to pay for medical treatment.

Reason 3:

Their insurance company did not avoid its responsibility to pay for medical treatment, but their coverage is exhausted.

Reason 4:

The person is receiving bills or collection calls that feel overwhelming.

Reason 5:

Some period of time has passed, and the person’s body and mind have not returned to their pre-crash form, and they start to wonder if ‘this’ is how they will always be.

Should You Contact a Personal Injury Attorney Immediately After an Accident?

man with wrist injury smiling and speaking with injury lawyer

Few people contact our office immediately following a collision. For that matter, we believe few people contact any office for representation, early on. At McPartland Law Offices, we believe that most people are good people who are simply hoping they will get better and everything will work itself out in the end. The insurance companies take advantage of this and the good nature of most people. Protect your rights by consulting with an experienced injury and insurance lawyer today.

Do You Need an Attorney if The Insurance Company Accepts Liability

Maybe, but be cautious. The insurance company accepts liability in most cases. In most cases, liability is not in dispute at all. Whether or not the insurance company accepts liability and whether or not the insurance company accepts all, some or even any of your damages is a much different question. While the insurance company may not fight you on liability, they are almost certain to challenge your losses (and if they don’t, that may be its own red flag). Remember: Their insurance company owes its responsibilities to its insured, not you, and that responsibility is to minimize liability and exposure, to buy you out as quickly and cheaply as possible. Protect your rights by consulting with an experienced injury and insurance lawyer today.

Is Your Insurance Company Entitled to Reimbursement For a Personal Injury Case?

Bear in mind that your insurance company owes you a responsibility of good faith. With few exceptions, your insurance company has no right to reimbursement until you have been ‘made whole.’ Likewise, with few exceptions, your insurance company is not entitled to a dollar-for-dollar reimbursement and will usually be legally obligated to share the costs of achieving a favorable outcome for you. Put more directly: You come first! If your insurance company is not affirmatively telling you this (and if they do, it will be the first such occasion we’ve ever heard of), you should be talking to an experienced personal injury and insurance attorney.

What Should You Look For When Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer?

If the question is: Can any attorney handle your case and achieve a positive outcome for you? The answer is: It is certainly possible. That said, in only the past year, our office has been confronted with cases previously handled by:

1. A large, regional personal injury firm that badly misread medical records in a way that disadvantaged their client, resulting in a recommended settlement that devalued the claim by 50% or more.

2. A mid-sized, northwest personal injury law firm that failed to understand Washington’s collateral source rules, nearly resulting in a sub-policy limit settlement for our client.

3. A large, reputable insurance defense firm that took on a personal injury matter, leaving the client with a massive offset for future care with the Department of Labor and Industries.

This is a representative list, but it is not an exhaustive list. All of these are occasions where the client’s outcome was compromised because the client was just another file number to the law firm.

Contact A Law Firm You Can Trust

At McPartland Law Offices, we can’t promise you any particular outcome, but we can promise that our teams and processes are structured to pursue your rights and preserve as much of your recovery for use as possible.

Sure, we would love to earn your business, but we are committed to vindicating your choice and re-earning your business every day. Your trust in us is tremendous. That said, we truly treasure your referral, and we will work to make that happen. Call our offices today or fill out our online contact form for a Free Consultation.